Well, what shall we do in 2019? In March, it was a full year since our retirement and you will have seen what we've been up to during that time. We intended the following:Beer,Bradley Stoke,Cumbernauld,Falkirk,Loughton,Lewis & Harris,Ullapool,West Dulwich and we did all those ... and more. We also fitted in a visit to London and several to Edinbugh, so it's been quite busy. If you've been reading the updates on our main website, you'll have noted that we also decided to get a whole lot of work done in the house, and that rather took over!
So, for 2019, we want to go back to some of the places we only did flying visits to - like Beer in Devon where we met some wonderful people to whom we are related but only had an afternoon with them. We went back there (see April 2019 posts). Otherwise, who knows? We've managed to get into the "post-retirement-planning-blight" kind of mindset, where we'll take it at is comes. Watch this space and we'll continue to let you know, but meanwhile enjoy April's posts.