Devon revisited - and how to be grumpy
Regular readers will remember that last year we visited Devon and came away wanting more. Now, if there's anything we've learned during our first year of retirement, it's "if you want to do something, just do it" ... so we did. This time we allocated a week to this stunning part of the country. We were a little wiser on travel this time, not breaking our journey - there's no need since Devon is an easy day away from Durham. Mind you, the plethora of roadworks on the M6 did their best to make it a difficult day - why, for example, does it take a whole lane blockage and tens of miles of 50 mph speed limit monitored by average speed cameras to turn a perfectly adequate motorway into a "Smart Motorway"? And why are there miles of lane closure with NOTHING happening? There really wasn't much traffic on them, but by introducing the works, the powers that be ensured that the motorway was no longer perfectly adequate, thus requiring an upgrade to smartness and justifying the spend. Oh yes, while I'm here, the other thing we've learned during our first year of retirement is how to become grumpy ... but being grumpy is excellent sport and good for the heart, we're told.
Anyway, having got to Devon, we checked back in to the excellent Honiton Premier Inn (which, since we booked so long ago only cost about £30 a night) and then settled to a Netflix download or two (they have Smart TVs at this Premier ... Smart TVs being a different kettle of fish from Smart Motorways in that they actually have a point to them). But really, this Premier is a great place from which to explore Devon.
We had lots of plans in place for our visit here, but for now the day took its toll, as did the Netflix downloads, and it was bedtime for us.
Next, we'll post about predicting eclipses!
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