So we found a place for Tara's crate (instead of the lower bunk bed, as it happens, which left the upper bunk bed support as a very useful work surface) strapped it in, loaded everything up and set off. It's amazing how the skills of towing come back even after a five year (yes, five year) break! My reversing was shockingly bad to start with, but even that came back eventually! Pitched and comfortable with the kettle on, we then introduced Tara to the wonders of Club sites. Lots of new sights and, more importantly, smells were to be found as well as a wonderful dog walk with a surfeit of such smells to investigate!
As an aside, being on a touring site in poor weather in March really does show the kind of people who tour at this time of year ... lots of really good, expensive outfits and, we surmised, lots of pension lump sums represented. There were NO grotty outfits and ours was, by a long way, the oldest caravan there. It still held its own though!
We even had a couple of outings (to Durham services for McDonalds lunch ... don't judge us).
So, all in all a really pleasant experience that shows that so long as a dog is with its family, it's happy. We now feel confident planning a longer holiday somewhere ... but that will be another story!